Monday, March 21, 2011

Species of the Week

Clouded Leopard,  Sabah
Clouded leopards, Neofelis nebulosa are a medium-seized (25-50lbs), secretive cat that roams the forests of Asia. There are several sub species and  recent genetic testing suggests two distinct species of clouded leopards.  The Borneo and Sumatra cat's are believed to have diverged 1.5 million years ago from mainland Asian cat's as a result of geographic isolation.  The population of clouded leopards is decreasing and is listed as vulnerable under the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species.  Of primary concern is the loss of habitat and illegal wildlife trade.  The habitat of the clouded leopard is undergoing some of the fastest deforestation rates in the world especially in Indonesia according to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). These cat's are also hunted for their skins, bones and live pet trade.  For a list of ways you could help, click on the link below.

For more information:
The Clouded Leopard Project
Buckley-Beason, Valerie A. et. al. Molecular Evidence for Species-Level Distinction in Clouded Leopards. 
State of the World's Forests 2007 Asia and The Pacific
How to help

Monday, March 14, 2011


Photograph by Amy Foote    Dipterocarp tree in Danum Valley, Sabah

Borneo is the third largest island in the world and home to wealth of biodiversity.  Over the decades, Borneo has suffered from extensive deforestation due to demand for tropical timber and palm oil.  In 2008, I visited Borneo and witnessed the extensive palm oil plantations.  I wondered, what is so much palm oil used for anyway. I started digging and learned that palm oil is used for several purposes and is a component in both food and non food products.   Aside from cooking, palm oil is found in food products such as breakfast bars, crackers, baked goods, margarine, instant noodles, baby formula and non-food products such as lotions, cosmetics, soap, plastics, biodiesel, candles, cleaning products, shampoos and more.  You can check out the America Palm Oil website to learn more.  I went to the store and looked at the ingredients in all sorts of products and found it hard to find products without palm oil especially in the snack and processed food aisles. 

How do we as consumers have the power to to encourage sustainable use of resources?   

Check out the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm oil.
Links to learn more 
Borneo's Rainforest
Borneo's Moment of Truth
WWF - Borneo and Sumatra - Priceless forests harbor untold species
American Palm Oil
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil

Habitats -- Rain Forest Deforestation Pictures, Wallpapers, Downloads -- National Geographic

Habitats -- Rain Forest Deforestation Pictures, Wallpapers, Downloads -- National Geographic

International Year of Forests 2011

The UN recently declared 2011 The International Year of Forests.  To launch the event, Yann Arthus-Bertrand created this 7 minute video clip "Of Forests and Men" narrated by Ed Norton. 

 UN 2011 International Year of Forests

Friday, March 11, 2011